

We practise architecture to create and inspire meaningful change. The following principles guide our approach to design.


The influence of the City and its Context preoccupies much of our thinking. Good urban design should concentrate rather than sprawl, be a product of its place and enable old and new buildings to coexist gracefully.

We act with Integrity in all we do and create. When someone looks at one of our buildings, we want them to see why it exists and how the series of inclusive spaces can be used and enjoyed. Adaptability is also fundamental. We create durable buildings to stand the test of time, with flexible spaces being separated from service elements so they remain useful as technology changes rapidly. 

This is an intrinsic part of our Sustainability ethos, written into our founding constitution, complemented by environmental features and technologies integrated into a building’s fabric. To both our teams and clients, design is very much about Community, places that unite people; architecture as public spaces held by buildings. The sum of human happiness created from neighbourliness never ceases to be astonishing.

The importance of Economy and Delivery is integral to the business of architecture and every project’s success. We strive for elegance and quality through economies of scale and standardised systems.